Hello there, so happy to meet you! I’m ecstatic to go on this journey. I have always lived with my mom and had a very happy childhood. As an only child, I was independent from a young age and always seemed more mature than my age. My immediate family is just my mom and dad, but I have more family members in other parts of the world that we traveled to see. I have always been studious, extroverted, friendly, and kind. I enjoy having new experiences, whether it’s going to a new place, meeting new people, or trying new activities. My mother and I share similar personalities as she is jovial, goofy, and caring.
1/2 African American, 1/2 Jamaican
5 Feet 7 Inches (170.18 CM)
123 LBS (55.91 KG)
Eye Color
Hair Color
Blood Type
Distinguishing Features
I have a small waist, long arms, a slender figure, and small dimples next to both eyes.
Currently Available
Completed B.S. in History at Kenyon College, GPA 3.4
Completed M.S. in Hospitality Management at Temple University, GPA 4.0Ivy League or Top 20 College
Junior National Honor Society: 2012-2013
Academic Honor Roll: 2012-2016
Beta Club: 2013-2016
Bible Bowl Captain and Most Valuable Player at my church: 2013
National Honors Society: 2014-2016
National Arts Society: 2015
Senior Class President: 2015-2016
Best Praise Dance Choreographer: 2014
Most Books Read in Orange School District: 2013
Jamaica Organization of New Jersey Scholarship: 2016
I am also very talented at conversation and can talk to a wall if I needed to. People can leave conversations feeling comfortable and as though we were just old friends catching up. I honed the art of conversation my entire life as I maneuvered getting to know people and asking them more about themselves. I can confidently web various topics together and balance being inquisitive and expounding on my experiences. I’m a talker but have also learned how to listen and let others feel heard and valued.
Since learning how to play in 2019, I have been undefeated in mancala. I have played with multiple people and competed against onlines robots for fun. I do have go-to to strategies, but sometimes I just play free and end up prevailing.
I have a knack for photography and editing photos. I can see the vision, snap a shot, and end up capturing the vision that I was envisioning. My detail-oriented personality pushes me to get the most aesthetically pleasing photo I can then photo editing skills that help to enhance said photo tremendously.
I am talented at organization and able to manage a lot of different things at once. I know where everything is and will be able to retrieve either things or information with ease. My room is a perfect reflection of how intentional I can be. I know where every trinket and earring is placed because I believe in putting things back where you found it.
I have always been great at dancing and picking up choreography very quickly. I was on school dance teams from 6th grade all the way up to high school. I even joined cheerleading in college and became captain my senior year while also choreographing the dances. I enjoy dancing and finding the rhythm of songs and beats. I used to specialize in modern and ballet, but expanded my tastes to African, Caribbean, and other cultural dances.
Artistic Talents
I am a soprano singer and played the violin very well in elementary school.
I have an eye for great pieces that are very aesthetically pleasing when put together. I adopted the minimalist aesthetic and lifestyle when I studied abroad in Denmark and revamped my childhood room to a calm and cozy oasis.
Athletic Achievements
I was a cheerleader in college.
Donation Preferences
Anonymous or Known Donation is fine.
Reason for Donating
I empathize with those who cannot have children and be honored to perform this act of service. I had a very supportive and loving family growing up so I would want to give a couple the opportunity to start a family of their own and it is special to me to help someone fulfill their dreams of being a parent.
Donation History
New Donor.
$8000-$10,000 compensation. The compensation I receive for my egg donation will start me on my path to a debt-free life. The burden of my student loan will be eased by this gift, and I can start my path to a career. I am extremely interested in traveling and getting those once in a lifetime experience, so not having to worry about debt and building interest will give me peace of mind.
Family Members Physical Characteristics
Family Education
Family Personalities & Trait
Career Goals
Daily Activities
Personality & Disposition
Passion & Hobbies
Childhood & Adolescent Personality
Growing Up
Most Admire
Famous Person Donor would Play in a Movie
Favorite Things
Neurological History
Medical Condition Family Member
Age Current
Age of Death ADD or ADHD NA Autism / Asperger's NA Learning Disability NA Mental Retardation NA Paralysis NA Dementia NA Epilepsy NA Alzheimer's NA Multiple sclerosis NA Parkinson's NA Migraines NA Age-related issues NA Gynecological History
Medical Condition Yes No Infertility NA Prior Cervical Surgery (LEEP, Cone Biopsy) NA History of DES exposure NA History of abnormal PAP smear NA Prior uterine surgery NA History of uterine malformation NA History of uterus opening up too early NA History of uterine, ovarian or breast cancer NA Fibroids, PCOS or Endometriosis NA Hysterectomy NA Multiple or Late Trimester Miscarriages NA Miscarriages, still births, or neonatal deaths NA Medical Treatments
Medical Condition Date of Diagnosis Treatment Prescribed Result of Treatment 1. NA 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Surgeries
Type of Surgery Reason for Surgery Year Completed Outcome of Surgery 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Psychological
Condition Family
Age Current
Age of Death Alcohol or Drug Addiction NA Depression NA Panic Attacks NA Schizophrenia NA Bipolar Disorder NA Age-related NA Mental Health
If Yes, please explain No Have you ever been hospitalized for mental illness? ✔️ Have you ever considered committing suicide? ✔️ Have you ever tried to intentionally hurt yourself? ✔️ Have you ever tried to hurt a child or baby? ✔️ Are you currently in counseling? ✔️ Have you ever had an eating disorder? ✔️ Family Health History